What is the most effective treatment for scoliosis in Singapore?
Looking for a solution to scoliosis in Singapore? Find out which treatments offer the highest success rates and the least invasive approaches.
Setting Clear Goals for
Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment
Dealing with scoliosis can be overwhelming, but understanding the most effective treatments is key. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the SOSORT (Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment) Guidelines 2016, offering simplified insights to help you navigate the path to effective scoliosis treatment.
When it comes to non-surgical treatment, clarity is crucial:
Halt Curve Progression: Prevent the spinal curve from worsening during growth.
Curve Reduction: Aim to decrease the spinal curvature where possible.
Respiratory Wellness: Ensure optimal lung function.
Pain Management: Alleviate or eliminate back pain.
Enhanced Aesthetics: Improve posture for better appearance.
Leveraging Bracing for Scoliosis
Bracing plays a pivotal role in managing scoliosis (for a growing child or adolescent):
When it comes to non-surgical treatment, clarity is crucial:
Optimal Wear Time: Wear the brace full-time or for a minimum of 18 hours daily initially. The exact wear time will depend on factors such as the severity of your curve and your growth stage.
Until Growth Ceases: Maintain brace usage until vertebral growth is complete, gradually reducing wear time under expert guidance.
Check the quality of a brace (soft or hard brace): Checking in-brace X-rays ensure the brace is effectively correcting the curve.
Harnessing the Power of Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises (PSSE)
Combining bracing with PSSE yields promising results:
3D Correction: Focus on correcting the spinal curve in three dimensions.
Integration into Daily Life: Embed correct posture into daily activities.
Posture Maintenance: Ensure the corrected posture is maintained.
Empowering Education: Educate patients about their condition and effective management strategies.
Exploring Effective PSSE Methods:
The SOSORT (Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment) guidelines emphasize a multidisciplinary approach to scoliosis treatment, incorporating various schools of thought. One prominent study, led by Dr. Hagit Berdishevsky, identified seven major scoliosis-specific exercise schools. These schools aim to improve posture, reduce spinal curvature, and enhance overall quality of life for individuals with scoliosis. Here are the seven schools based on both the SOSORT guidelines and Dr. Hagit Berdishevsky's study:
Schroth Method: Developed by Katharina Schroth in Germany, this method focuses on 3D corrective exercises and breathing techniques to address spinal curvature and asymmetry.
Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS): Originating in Italy, SEAS utilizes customized exercises targeting specific muscle groups to improve spinal alignment and stability.
FITS (Functional Individual Therapy of Scoliosis): Developed by Italian physiotherapist Michele Romano, FITS emphasizes active self-correction and neuromotor control exercises to manage scoliosis.
Rigo Concepts (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School - BSPTS): Founded by Dr. Manuel Rigo in Spain, BSPTS employs the Rigo-Chêneau brace alongside specific exercises to correct spinal deformities.
Lyon Method: Developed by Dr. Jean Claude de Mauroy in France, this method emphasizes active self-correction exercises and postural awareness to address scoliosis.
Side Shift: Originating in the United States, Side Shift focuses on restoring spinal balance through lateral shift exercises and corrective movements.
These schools represent diverse approaches to scoliosis treatment, each with its own principles and techniques. By incorporating elements from these schools into a tailored treatment plan, clinicians can effectively manage scoliosis and improve patients' overall well-being.
Considering Surgery in Specific Cases: As a last resort for severe curves or when other treatments fail.
Introducing Our Comprehensive BREMJ R.I.G.H.T Scoliosis Treatment Program
Our specialized treatment program integrates cutting-edge techniques (like Schroth methods, SEAS, BSPTS and other scoliosis school approaches) and extensive clinical experience to maximize outcomes for patients seeking non-surgical solutions.
Effective scoliosis treatment, in accordance with the SOSORT Guidelines 2016, involves a tailored combination of bracing and specific exercises. These evidence-based approaches aim to halt curve progression, enhance function and aesthetics, and improve quality of life. Consulting a clinician in non-surgical scoliosis treatment is essential for personalized care. And remember, in severe cases, surgery remains a viable option when non-surgical avenues prove insufficient.
Ready to embark on your journey towards effective scoliosis treatment? Consider our specialized program and schedule a consultation with our expert today.
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